Congratulations to you for keeping your beard this summer. Not all people with beards make it through these 3 challenging months, choosing instead for a more breathable mustache or doing away with their beard completely. Do not let your patience and hard work go to waste. If you have an epic beard to maintain then maintain it and let your...

The Difference between Beard Oil and Beard Balm

If you’re scratching your beard, weighing out the effectiveness of adding beard oil or beard balm to your beard grooming regime, but just can’t seem to decide which ones best, you’re not the only one. This dilemma is most definitely the greatest of all beard grooming conundrums, and we’re going to break it down for you. So, which one is...

How to Grow a Beard ?

To Beard Or Not To Beard? That Is The Question! Ever since the launch of our website, many customers have contacted us to seek advice on how to improve their beard growth. In this article, I will share with you five proven tips to help you in your struggle to have a fuller and lengthier beard incha Allah.  #thestruggleisreal 1)...