Benefits to have a beard

Collection of hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of humans is known as a beard.  Some men grow beard because of religious backgrounds, customs and traditions. The beard increases the personality, confidence and also gives a cool look. It was found out that men with beards are more attractive than men with no beards. Maintaining a beard is...

How to Grow a Beard ?

To Beard Or Not To Beard? That Is The Question! Ever since the launch of our website, many customers have contacted us to seek advice on how to improve their beard growth. In this article, I will share with you five proven tips to help you in your struggle to have a fuller and lengthier beard incha Allah.  #thestruggleisreal 1)...

Comment faire pousser sa barbe rapidement ? – 5 conseils en or!

Depuis le lancement de notre site, nous avons reçu plein de messages d’hommes recherchant des conseils pour améliorer la pousse de leur barbe. Dans cet article, nous allons essayer inshaallah de vous présenter 5 points importants qui vous aideront à avoir une barbe plus dense. 1) Hygiène de vie : Ce point est le plus important! Sachez qu’il est nécessaire de prendre soin de soi-même car...